LIFE Centre



Passionate Flame

LIFE Centre is a socio-nonprofit organization carrying out a mission to promote the quality of life of the vulnerable populations. we always listen to the needs of the communities; tailor efficient strategies; and create strong impacts to improve life quality.

In order to utilize each typical community featuring, LIFE is currently implementing creatively and flexible methods. Especially, we are now applying the high-tech mechanism in Monitoring & Evaluation, Finaical Management and Digital Communication to our program’s activities implementation. We totally understand that: if vulnerable communities can mobilize resrouces, enhance capacity in management and operation, they will develop sustainably.

Additionally, they are targeted to learn how to operate and manage their activities, especially in Financial Transparency. As fluency as their beautiful performance,  viral communication is also very important! Therefore, evidence based collection and analysis skill, to improve the quality of program, lesson-learn and good practices, is also our committed equipment to the communities. Over 30 Community-based Organizations and their widely network of outreached workers have been now standing by to target our vision: For the better life of vulnerable communities.

Nguyen Nguyen Nhu Trang, MPH.
Director of LIFE Centre


A Better Life

LIFE believes in a better and happier life for each of us. When that happens, we can be balanced, learn new things, and make our dreams come true.


Connection of Communities

Enhanching community capacity efficientorganizational management and development.

Enhancing the M&E system based evidence; therefore, to evaluate the impacts of progams.

Promote cooperation with state agencies and enterprises, domestic and foreign, non-profit organizations as well as the private sector to mobilise resources for the community.

With a deep passion in philosophy & human beings, we always work basing on knowledge & understanding from both sides, providing services with a strong passion, we will transfer our passionate & the best to receiver.

With professional consultants, we believe that we have ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately toward to our long-lasting cooperation

With on-discussion working attitude, we will come to our client with the best solutions and the best suitable in flexible terms and conditions so that we maintain & develop our relationship with the best satisfaction.

With a deep passion in philosophy & human beings, we always work basing on knowledge & understanding from both sides, providing services with a strong passion, we will transfer our passionate & the best to receiver.

With dedicated and highly experienced consultants, we cover a full range of expertise from headhunting services to training services with professional working style.

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