success story

ALOVOICE- Raising awareness via radio

Community Based Organization (CBO) ALOBOY is implementing the Project on Strengthening the South HIV Prevention Community, supported by USAID, PEPFAR AND LIFE Centre. During the project in 2019, CBO ALOBOY found that: limited access network to high-risk HIV infection targets, increasingly complicated situation of HIV epidemic in HCMC and stigma against HIV and LGBT communities. CBO ALOBOY has launched the radio-broadcasting providing relevant knowledge of sexual health, reducing discrimination and introducing CBO’s services.

Technical team behind ALOVOICE

First, access to customers through traditional channels such as personal relationship, Facebook Fanpage and Blued (dating app for men who have sex with men) is becoming more and more difficult. Secondly, customers become younger and lacking knowledge of sexual health. And also the increasing of substance abuse contributes to the complex situation of HIV. In addition, clients are under discrimination, isolation and fear; they are afraid of using CBO services as well as disclosing sexual partner information.

CBO ALOBOY has worked on the communication campaign of ALOVOICE radio to improve the above situation. With various engaging radio repertoires to cover knowledge of HIV, LGBT and addictive substances. In addition, the host and guests of the talkshow are community influencers, such as Miss Aloboy, to share with audiences the feelings and concerns among the community. ALOVOICE was posted and widely shared on social networks such as Youtube and Facebook to expand the reach to more closeted customers.

Radio ALOVOICE supports ALOBOY to connect to new customers for consultancy, HIV lay-testing, preferring to treatments and other prevention services. The CBO thus promotes autonomy and creativity in communication. In addition, through Q&A interaction, customers show that they know how to protect sexual health and become more familiar to CBO’s services. Moreover, customers said “Thank you for the the radio broasting, we receive sympathy and connection with the CBO ALOBOY as well as from other audiences, so we feel more confident, peaceful and happy in life”.

CBO ALOBOY team getting ready for ALOVOICE radio broad casting

In summary, CBO’s ALOVOICE campaign has reached and provided services to more customers in quality and difficulty; at the same time, raises awareness about HIV, STIs other health topics, as well as contributes to reduce stigma and emotional burdern for customers.

06/01/2020, ALOBOY viết, Quốc Gia chỉnh sửa

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