The Workshop on Strengthening the Role of Communities in HIV / AIDS Prevention in the South was jointly organized by the Ministry of Health, the Global Fund for HIV / AIDS Prevention and Control and PEPFAR in Vietnam on November 22, 2019. The workshop was attended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Centers for HIV / AIDS Control, departments, community organizations and social enterprises.

Guests include: Dr Kimberly Green, Global Director, HIV & TB – PATH and Chief of Party of USAID/PATH Healthy Markets; Marie-Odile Emond, Country Director, UNAIDS Viet Nam; và MPH Nguyễn Nguyên Như Trang, Director, LIFE Centre.

Dr. Hoang Dinh Canh, Deputy Director of Vietnam Administration for AIDS Control (VAAC), said “Since Vietnam committed to implementing the 90-90 -90 UN goal in 2014, the community has contributed from 25 to 50% of national HIV / AIDS prevention and control”. Mr. Mark P. Troger – PEPFAR Executive Director appreciated the ongoing efforts of the community in HIV screening and discovered many new positive HIV cases to refer to treatment.

Dr. Hoang Dinh Canh, Deputy Director of Vietnam Administration for AIDS Control (VAAC), and Mr. Mark P. Troger – PEPFAR Executive Director appreciated the ongoing efforts of the community.

Services provided by community based organizations include reaching, screening and counseling for people at risk of HIV infection, HIV lay tests, referral for treatment of ARV, Methadone, sexually transmitted diseases, PrEP, distribution of medical products and supplies, tracing sexual partners and injecting drug partners of HIV-infected people.

Workshops are also an opportunity for community organizations to learn from each other’s experiences.

At the workshop, LIFE Center and community organizations presented the 10 years’ journey of HIV / AIDS prevention. Since the begining, community-based organizations have changed and flourished, proving an important role in fighting the HIV / AIDS epidemic. Workshops are also an opportunity for community organizations to learn from each other’s experiences.

Individuals and community organizations are awarded for their positive contributions.

Individuals and community organizations are awarded for their positive contributions to the HIV / AIDS prevention and control program. LIFE Center is honored to accompany the community organizations on the journey towards ending the HIV / AIDS epidemic.


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